My artwork
The base of my Artwork is Photography which has been my passion since my Godfather gave me a Kodak Instamatic 25 for my 7th birthday. For this aloof and fanciful boy, photography became then my connection with reality. Usually people take photos to preserve memories but I take photos to build stories. When I see a photo, more than the image it shows me, I imagine the previous instants that led to that image and the events happened immediately after and in my mind the whole story runs like a short film.
A photograph is not just a frozen image of a situation, it is much more than a preserved memory, it is also an emotion and feelings catcher and if you are a good observer you will see it. Behind that main scene of a photo there are always hidden scenes and shadows. In my Art, I focus on the stories and scenes behind the obvious image, transform them and give them life in another context.
The great Elliot Erwitt said “To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” And I can’t be more agree with him. There is another saying that says “Beauty is in the Mind of the Beholder” and that brings out my favorite word: Perception. Don’t matter how technically perfect and beautiful is the image or the piece of Art, what really matter is the perception that each individual viewer gets of it.
And that is what my Art is all about, it is about Perceptions. As a Computer Geek, I transform and create a new life to photos digitally treating them using color and painting techniques. I want the public to perceive lights, colors, shapes, depth and texture but the most important, I want you not to see my Art but to listen it and feel all the emotions it wants to share with you. Let your mind perceive what it wants to tell you.
2016- Nominee to the Emerging Toronto Artitst Award
Category Innovation
2016 - Nominee to the Emerging Toronto Artist Award
Category Synesthete